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Forums/ Routers
By MVZ_MUDr_C a week ago

Omada ignores static routes?

I have a functioning omada setup with gateway switch and eap. For security reasons som IPs must be routed through an extra gateway. So I set up a static route let's say next hp 192.168.
Forums/ Routers
By MVZ_MUDr_C 2 weeks ago

Omada - Route from one VPN Tunnel to another

I have an omada gateway and set up some manual vpn site to site tunnels. Lets say - omada default network - manual ipsec - manual ipsec
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By nlibby 2024-01-07 00:09:08

Add Wireguard FQDN Support for Peers

Hey TP-Link Team As simple as what the subject is, please add support for FQDN when setting up peers in WireGuard, this way a peer can resolve a domain name when connecting to another device. I have a