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Forums/ Powerline Adapters
By VANTECH Saturday

Can't Upgrade My Firmware on AV2000 PA9020P US Version 4

Trying to upgrade my devices from Firmware version 190506 to 190523 but keep getting "Update Failed" error. The performance I'm getting from my network is really slow and trying to determine why the n
Forums/ Range Extenders
By Eren_kk a week ago

Images not loading on Ps5

Everytime I connect my PlayStation to Ethernet or wifi images and games don't load,the wifi it's amazing works flawlessly but when I connect it to my ps5 nothing loads I've got good internet connectio
Forums/ Powerline Adapters
By George3G a week ago

Improving FTTP connection around the house?

Hi all, first post and I'm a network newbie so go easy on me please! I hope this is the right area for this post. I just upgraded from 36mbps FTTC to 300mbps FTTP, but I'm getting quite a drop off in
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By gigakb a week ago

VPN Client Doesnt work

I was adding my Kaspersky VPN OpenVPN profile to the router under VPN Client settings. Steps: 1. Enable VPN Client, 2. Add Server 3. Import OVPN file 4. Add Credentials 5. Save. 6. Add Devices 7. Turn
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By Ppgcowboy a week ago

Reserve ip address and ip pool

I have set up an address pool of to As I assign my reserve ip addresses, should they be inside the address pool or outside the address pool? Or, is the address pool set up
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By tjfs a week ago

TL-WR841N V12.0 as access point

I have a Huawei B535, which is connected to the internet via ADSL and is running on its default settings with IP range 192.168.8.X I also have a TL-WR841N(EU) V12.0 which is not on the internet and al