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Forums/ Deco
By MarkusF 2024-09-29 11:25:25

Wall Mount for Deco M4 / AC1200

Hi, just would let you know. If anybody having the Deco M4 (AC1200), is looking for a wall mount and having a 3D-Printer: I search but found nothing i liked, so I designed a wall mount and think it tu
Forums/ Feature Request (Deco)
By soumyassg 2020-12-20 13:46:11

MAC address filtering in Deco

Hi, Is there any MAC address filtering option in Deco M4? thanks!
Forums/ Deco
By gatorback 2022-09-15 15:41:45

Will a Deco automatically detect ETHERNET-backhaul and turn off wifi backhaul?

Assume that a remote Deco is in service and is connected via wifi backhaul. A backhaul cable is run from the main deco to the remote deco for ethernet-backhaul. The system is configured for Access-Poi