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Forums/ Pharos Wireless Bridges
By ntac 2023-04-01 18:06:22


Hi , the picture below is of a farmyard , red arrow pointing to main router with Gb Fibre connection coming in, blue arrow pointing to main office , connection between the 2 premises is using CPE710 o
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By ntac 2022-12-19 18:44:47

OC200 should Show as a Device instead of Client

I would prefer the controller to show up under the Devices tab instead of a Client , could this be sorted with an update ? What do you guys think ? Regards Colin
Forums/ WiFi
By ntac 2020-08-07 13:57:42


Hi guys , I am thinking of mounting the AP on the pole with the tv aerials , do you think this would cause any interference ? The TV aerials are not being used at the moment. Thanks Colin