Kasa Smart Switches
Tired of running around the house switching lights on and off? From a smarter light switch able to control any fixture by the app to a switch capable of dimming incandescent and LED bulbs, Kasa Smart has you covered. Start asking, exchanging ideas or sharing your experience about Kasa Switches here.
Kasa Smart Switches
SolutionKasa Smart Switch/Plug Disconnects and Reconnects to Wi-Fi Every 10 Minutes on A Local Wi-Fi Network
05/17/2024 Update Production Firmware for KP303 2.0, HS210 3.0 and HS220 3.0 has been released. 04/03/2024 Update: Production Firmware 1.0.13 Build 240117 Rel.162355 for HS103 5.0 has been released. T
Device ConnectivityOfficialHighlighted Thread
The article was originally posted by Riley_S in CES 2023: Kasa Smart Switches, Dimmers, and Controllers Newly Announced and Released Switches, Dimmers, and a New Ceiling Fan Controller This category h
OfficialHighlighted ThreadCES 2023
· Latest post 2023-10-08 12:20:51
by Solla-topee