View currently set Smart Actions on the S200B and S200D
I have two S2ooD smart switches/buttons. As I understand it, the S200D is just a S200B with a wall plate, so this should apply to the S200B also.
In the Tapo android application I can see no way of viewing what smart actions have already been assigned to the switch/button. This means that if I want to edit, or delete, a smart action I have already set, my only option is to reset the button and start from scratch. This is obviously not ideal.
If you just add a new smart action without the reset, the original smart action that was set will remain, so you can end up with all sorts of strange things happening if the reset is not performed.
Feature request:
Allow viewing, editing and deleting of smart actions already set to the S200B and S200D smart buttons from within the Tapo app.