
Two accounts One device


Two accounts One device

Two accounts One device
Two accounts One device
2024-05-21 19:44:45 - last edited 2024-05-23 10:29:38

Hi - first post,


I would liketo be able to control two different Tapo accounts on one device.


Yeah, yeah I know you can share devices from one account to another, but it would avoid confusion for me, plus make things simpler to manage for me (one login, one set of devices available) if I can firewall between the two.


I'd like to be able to switch between Tapo acounts on one device (my mobile).  For me it's because I use Tapo at home, and also use Tapo in a not-for-profit organisation that I help to run.  Surely there must be other people in other situations, or IT professionals that already have Tapo, that also need to manage work Tapo devices?


Ideally an account switch capability in Tapo app, failing that is there a different app (that I could use a different login for) that gives control access to Tapo devices?


I can't be the only person wanting this, can I?





1 Reply
Re:Two accounts One device
2024-05-23 10:51:37



By logging out of the current one then logging in with another TP-Link ID, you can manage devices on two different accounts. There is no account-switching option at the moment. 

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