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Forums/ WiFi
2021-07-10 04:20:41
Re:is there way of putting 1gb download limit for each clients
Aw, man Super thank you. I'm 1 year EAP user and didn't know that its just like this, it's super simple, It's just the sum of download and upload. And if it's not for you. I'm not gonna get this....
Forums/ WiFi
2021-07-02 00:41:39
Re:is there way of putting 1gb download limit for each clients
sum of upload and download. Really? wow ok, i'll check it
Forums/ WiFi
2021-06-29 18:22:50
Re:is there way of putting 1gb download limit for each clients
I know where's the traffic limit, but what I don't is what's the job of this or what is this for? and this gb limit? is this for download or upload?
Forums/ WiFi
2021-06-28 01:01:07
Re:is there way of putting 1gb download limit for each clients
thank you, I think third party is too difficult for me, session limits and bandwidth control might don't totally gets and I think this might be difficult for me. So i think i'll just stick on...
Forums/ WiFi
2021-06-26 21:42:22
Re:is there way of putting 1gb download limit for each clients
So its called traffic metering, so there's nothing like this in this software. It's need 3rd party, and that; really hard to do. Having 3rd party in apps or software, don't really trust. Can i ask...
Forums/ WiFi
2021-06-25 15:56:29
is there way of putting 1gb download limit for each clients
is there way of just giving 1gb download limit, like when he pass that 1gb, his/her is disconnect?