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Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
2021-07-02 11:43:13
Re:Tapo stays in red light and offline
@Biddut123 Don't waste your time. It will not work anymore. Rather buy some other manufacturer.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
2021-06-29 23:20:34
Re:Tapo stays in red light and offline
@Stevens They have the worst customer support ever. I wont advise anyone to by their product. I live in Norway and they ask me to bring it to repair in Malaysia. When I asked to get it substituted at...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
2021-05-19 10:15:23
Re:Tapo stays in red light and offline
I have the same problem since last few days and nothing helps. The model is C200 purchased 6-7 months before.