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Forums/ Controllers
a week ago
Re:Omada OC 300 Management Access
@Vincent-TP what? this makes no sense. you cannot NOT have a "management" vlan set on devices like switches and APs OP - have you enabled the account security setting on your controller, taht are...
Forums/ Switches
3 weeks ago
Re:How can i stop DHCP being served to a group of ports on one particular switch on a particular vlan?
@GRL Yes this is exatly what i tried VLAN 6 (not management GW IP Switch ACL UDP port 67-68 .......... UDP port 67-68 Applied to Switch 3 ports 1-8 only I...
Forums/ Switches
3 weeks ago
Re:How can i stop DHCP being served to a group of ports on one particular switch on a particular vlan?
@Clive_A I have tried that ACL Block UDP 67-68 <> GW IP. those switch ports only DHCP still passes!
Forums/ Controllers
3 weeks ago
Re:Omada SDN Controller_V5.15.8 Pre-Release Firmware(Update on Jan 8th, 2025)
@Vincent-TP Noticed some issues on my OC200 v1 running the latest Once the audit logs are full, and it starts deleting old ones to make room for new ones, the entire controller becomes unstable,...
Forums/ Switches
3 weeks ago
How can i stop DHCP being served to a group of ports on one particular switch on a particular vlan?
I have need to prevent devices with a specific VLAN tag from receiving DHCP on a group of ports on one particular switch - they instead must be set as statics. I want to force this so the users must...
Forums/ Routers
3 weeks ago
Re:TCP/IP resets and retransmissions on ER8411
@lkakas Realy not sure then. Could be a faulty unit i guess but you will need to raise this with TPLink direct. One of their team will reply to you im sure in a day or so.