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Forums/ Kasa Smart Thermostat
2024-01-06 17:21:11
Kasa Thermostat/KE100 started to not show full digits on it
After a short period of time (less than 6 monhts), one of the Kasa Thermostat has started to show 2nd digits with missing parts on the thermostat. Attached is the pictures. Reset didn't help. Also I...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Thermostat
2023-12-31 11:50:36
Radiator is off even KE100 says it is heating. Calibration didn't help.
I've realized a strange behavior on KE100. I saw that the heating symbol was shown on the thermostat and in the Kasa app's report page as well. But there is no hot water flowing inside the radiator....
Forums/ Feature Requests
2023-12-31 11:39:00
Re:Custom 'open for...' durations for contact sensor automation
@Nuno00 If you use the sensor to control KE100, there is a feature for open window detection.
Forums/ Feature Requests
2023-10-18 18:27:15
Re:Custom 'open for...' durations for contact sensor automation
It is quite normal feature that if a door is open more than x minute then do an action, but only we have at the moment is immediately open or open more than 1 minute. I am looking forward for the...