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Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
2023-12-30 22:45:08
Re:Live Streaming times out every 5 minutes with the new firmware 1.3.9 Build 231019
@Summer_S Thanks for your response but it is working now. Interestingly enough it stopped the time-out after an app update. As I had not changed anything my end and it was fine before I can only...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
2023-12-29 01:41:14
Re:Live Streaming times out every 5 minutes with the new firmware 1.3.9 Build 231019
@Solla-topee Thanks for taking the time to get back to me. I have done a bit of research and nothing has changed on my wifi router or set up. The Tapo app and firmware are up to date. No other...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
2023-12-18 01:46:51
Re:Live Streaming times out every 5 minutes with the new firmware 1.3.9 Build 231019
@namo9 I have just had the same issue with my Tapo C320WS. I am viewing my camera on an OPPO android phone as I have for about a year but this is the first time I have had that notification. I have...