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Forums/ Feature Requests
2024-06-12 22:26:29
Re:Tapo IOS App Critical Alerts opportunity
@BenceD This has been requested since years (Android/iOS) but ignored.
Forums/ Feature Requests
2024-06-12 22:20:39
RE:Improving the sound detection - include fire alarms
That would be a unique selling point!
Forums/ Feature Requests
2024-06-12 22:19:51
Re:Improving the sound detection - include fire alarms
@FO737 You stole my idea!!!
Forums/ Tapo Smart Light Bulb
2024-06-12 19:29:35
Re:L535E and Local Smart Actions
When I change one of the automations (for example a different L535E) the symbol reappears and the action is local but it takes anything between a few minutes to a few hours until it changes back. So...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Light Bulb
2024-06-12 18:44:56
L535E and Local Smart Actions
After the latest firmware update, the L535E supports local smart actions! When I create an automation (S200D -> L535E) it works local and I can actually tell the difference, because it acts...
Stories/ Tapo Smart Light Bulb
2024-06-12 18:38:07
Re:Smart Action 2.0: Unlock Next-Level Smart Home Automation
The local smart actions finally work with the L535E after the latest firmware update! But only for a few hours and then they revert back to cloud actions! Can you fix this please?