Tapo Smart Camera
2024-05-30 18:50:55
@RobertAgren Hi, I had simular issues after installing a c510 camera. The other cameras work fine , but are a diffrent type. I resolved the issue for me bysplitting the A and G band of my wireless...
Tapo Smart Camera
2024-05-30 18:49:51
@archercj Hi, I noticed that when I changed my DHCP server it took a few days before the c510 was reachable again. It seems dhcp had to time out before a new ip address was accepted. (also dhcp...
Tapo Smart Camera
2024-05-30 18:33:14
@archercj Hi, I had simular issues after installing a c510 camera. The other cameras work fine , but are a diffrent type. I resolved the issue for me bysplitting the A and G band of my wireless...