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Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
2018-09-30 22:09:34
Multiple names for same device
Model : Hardware Version : Firmware Version : ISP : I couldn't find the answer with a search, maybe I was looking for the wrong terms. It's a general question but I'll give a specific example. How do...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
2018-07-22 02:22:43
Re:One HS210 and one regular three way switch
In the absence of a reply I decided to mock it up. I used an HS210, a regular three way switch connected to a desk lamp with its own switch. The HS210 worked flawlessly both receiving the power and...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
2018-07-18 10:15:14
One HS210 and one regular three way switch
Model : Hardware Version : Firmware Version : ISP : Can a single HS210 be used with a regular three way switch?