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Forums/ Deco
Re:Deco XE75 Pro limiting to 100mbps
@Gouden Did you try a different ethernet cable? You've not said...
Forums/ Deco
2024-05-10 08:45:59
Re:Monthly report showing high internet usage for 1st day of month
@David-TP Thanks for your reply, I had cleared the report data so couldn't go back to Aprils report. Anyways, no big deal, I actually deleted the network and started again from scratch, will see how...
Forums/ Deco
2024-05-02 18:15:24
Re:Only able to use Deco app via wifi, can't connect when I'm away from home
@TobyTheCat It could be that you have been signed out of your cloud account therefore it not working out of the house. When on wifi and you are in the app check, top LHS is 3 lines, click on them,...
Forums/ Deco
2024-05-01 13:13:11
Re:Monthly report showing high internet usage for 1st day of month
@klipse Or maybe I'm reading this wrong and the 158 GB is from April, with May is not even showing anything yet?
Forums/ Deco
2024-05-01 11:55:41
Monthly report showing high internet usage for 1st day of month
Hi Newish Deco M9 plus user here, as title says the 1st of May usage is showing 158GB already when we haven't used that much yet, I've cleared the report data and turned reports off and back on but...
Forums/ Deco
2024-05-01 06:41:40
Re:Not getting max speed with Deco M9 Plus
@tangyp Do you have a VPN connected? That could be affecting your speedtest...