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Forums/ Feature Requests
By TimMoss 2022-10-26 01:03:14

Aggregate/grouped energy usage/monitoring graphs

Would be great if the app could show some aggregated/grouped-up usage/power graphs. The same graphs would be great but grouped together showing total for all devices in for example a specific selected
Forums/ Tapo Smart Plugs
By Solla-topee 2022-10-24 07:45:49

Tapo Plug Energy Monitoring 2.0 Update

12/05/2022 Update: 1. Add Fixes and Topics as recommended solution 2. Latest Tapo APP version till now: Android: 2.11.43, iOS: 2.11.24 11/28 Update: New Firmware 1.1.6 has been released for both Ta
Forums/ Tapo Smart Plugs
By ElNecio 2022-09-09 11:58:06

Tapo P110 statistics reset

Is there a way without factory defaulting the device to reset the statistics gathered so far? I move this device between appliances on a regular basis and need to be able to clear the Energy Usage sta
Forums/ Feature Requests
By gianvi97 2021-10-01 13:47:11

Request functions Tapo P100

Hi, for the Tapo P100 I would like to request the addition of these functions if possible: - a notification when the device is offline; - an event log to understand if the programming of the socket ha
Forums/ Tapo Smart Plugs
By TimMoss 2022-10-16 00:51:53

Tapo P100 (UK) supplies power even when "off"

I have a TP-Link Tapo P100 with just an AppleTV (720HD version so old-ish) plugged in. Ideally I waltnt the device "off" by default and would like to switch it "On" when desired using the Tapo However
Forums/ Tapo Smart Plugs
By Peter170 2020-12-08 20:45:13

P100 Firmware 1.3.4 Turn On/Off

Hi I have a question about the new On/Off feature. What use is it, why would you want to toggle the power state? The Custom on duration is great, but the above feature has me bemused. Regards