WR902 can;t connect to anything
I'm trying to configure a WR902 in client mode. The wireless side will go toto my main router, a Century Link device. EEthernet will connect to a device that has no wifi.
When I run the TPLink web utility at tplinkwifi.net, it can not find a device.
MyLANViewer doesn't show any TPLink device other than an old WR-802 at
I can;t get WPS to make a connection. I'm pressing the Centrury Link router WPS button then the 902 WPS button but no connection is made.
For grins, I cabled the 902 to the main switch that connects to the Century Link router. Still no luck with the TPLink web utility.
I've tried all 3 positions of the switch on the 902.
Why don;t I see the 902 on my LAN?
What might be the issue with WPS?
Shouldn;t Ethernet be the simplest surest way to talk to the 902?