Parental Control time accumulation (M4)
Day 1 of parental controls are we're a little confused. My kids were given 3 hours of device time through the parentals controls feature. Each kid has 4 devices and nothing is blacklisted/blocked. They both were able to burn through 3 hours each in about an 80 minutes. I have questions.
1) Is this expected and normal? Anyone else experience this?
2) I see many URLs in the Insights history which have me confused. I assume that if a device is on, it very well may be communicating with a service unknowingly. And this activity will count towards the alotted time controls.
3) I also see many differnt URLs in the Insights history with the same timestamp. I assume that a device may hit multiple URLs in the same minute and this activity may count double towards the alotted time controls.
Not exactly sure what's going on, but setting 180 minutes and only getting 80 minutes is confusing.
If anyone has feedback, it'd be great.