Parental Controls by default

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Parental Controls by default

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Parental Controls by default
Parental Controls by default
2020-01-26 04:50:12
Model: Deco M5  
Hardware Version: V20
Firmware Version:

Is there any way to configure a default Parental Controls profile for all new devices? 


I want my kids friends to be able to use the guest network, but I want to block Adult Content automatically. I don't want to add each friend's device to a profile before the parental controls take effect. 

9 Reply
Re:Parental Controls by default
2020-01-27 18:54:17



No,  partental controls on the Deco are profile based so a device has to be in a profile.  The best solution is to make a profile on the gues network and then when a device joins the guest network add it to that profile.   

Re:Parental Controls by default
2020-01-27 21:09:31


That's too bad. I don't want to have to manually manage all of the devices. I really like the way the Deco M5 has been working otherwise, but parental controls are P1 requirement for me so I'm going to have to return my Decos.




Re:Parental Controls by default
2020-12-01 21:12:02



Has a better solution for this been made avaiable?  Manually configuring all devices is not acceptable.  This leaves a MAJOR flaw that allows kids to walk right by all parental controls (both IOS and Android do random MACs by default now).  Sure, I know that feature can be shut down and just HOPE the kids not smart enough to turn it back on?  I am returning a competitors product today because of this problem and thought I would check to see if you guys have a better solution. 

Re:Parental Controls by default
2020-12-01 23:14:00



Honestly no there hasn't been.  Many features used on a network are MAC based.  Access control, Port forwarding, IP reservation and Etc.  Apple and Android think they are doing customers a favor but really this feature is only helpful if you are connected to a public WiFi, which is why the feature was added to their devices in the frist place.  But really it makes home network and managing features like parental controls much harder to manage.  We weren't even given advanced notice and were kind of blindsided when the feature launched on android and iOS devices.  


If a work around is developed we will of course let everyone know through an official annoucement but as the device address has litterally be used for decades I don't expect a solution to come quickly.  Hopefully as it affects the industry as a whole we may but I can't say for sure. 

Re:Parental Controls by default
2020-12-30 04:52:38



So, I think these are the issues:


1. New devices should be allowed to be assigned to a default profile, which can then be customized to restrict things,  That way new MAC addresses get worse access than they otherwise would if placed in a more tailored profile.  Should address all the random MACs, new devices, friends, etc.


2. Now depending on what access you provide in the default profile, new IoT devices may have trouble contacting their cloud services.  But you could just open things up for the configuration and then move the item to another profile or none.


I believe that would address things reasonless well.  Or have I forgotten something?

Re:Parental Controls by default
2020-12-30 17:45:43



No you haven't and we have had similar thoughts and suggestiong already presented to the R and D team.  Now its just a matter of seeing what they do or can do rather.  If we do get anything we will broadcast it as an offical annoucement here on the community. 

Re:Parental Controls by default
2021-01-21 21:12:06
I should mention I have 2 M9+ (with one as the main router) and an M5. I didn’t realize this was an M5 request originally.
Re:Parental Controls by default
2021-08-07 17:30:30

@Carl has R&D picked this up on their roadmap yet?  

Re:Parental Controls by default
2021-08-09 17:03:43




No nothing has been added yet.  
