Powerline adapter power automaticlly turns off
I bought the TL-WPA8631P KIT from Amazon, wishing to extend my internet to a lower level of room. After following quick installation guide, they works pretty well for the first day, but after the first day, the internet connection is lost from time to time for around 5 minutes or longer and reconnect again.
I found that the adapter (TL-PA8010P) is the reason, it's shuting off for unknown reason,the LED on the side is compelet off nor find it on the tpPLC, sometimes even you unplug it and plug it back wont restart it. I have to take it to another power outlet to turn it on.
I ran several tests to rule out possible causes and found the following:
1. The power outlet is working fine, I pluged the extender side on it for an hour and its LED indicator light never turns off.
2. The power saving mode is off.
3. It's not a problem with the wires, because when I plugged them into different power outlet about 3 meters apart in the same room, the adapter would still shut down from time to time, and sometimes it would not even restart (it may also be that the restart lasted too short a time for me to notice).
Would appreciate any insights or solutions to this issue!