Clarification on mW, dbm, dbi, multi-antenna
I'm trying to get wireless coverage to my garage and this device can do it, but... 5ghz is -70 dbi or worse and best I can get for 2.4 is -62. Not horrible, but I'm having trouble understanding how to improve it. The device puts out 700 mW. To each antenna or total? What is their dbi? I replaced one antenna with a 10 dbi dual band directional antenna and another with a 9 dbi 2.4 ghz antenna to get the numbers mentioned (-70 & -62). I'm stuck. Some websites suggest that dual band is better even though the 2.4 is reaching the garage. Should I swap all 3 stock antenna with 3 dual band antenna? Single band? Directional or omni? 5 dbi, 9, 12? I just need to bump my numbers a little and I'm getting confused. I'm not good with the whole mW, dbi, dbm and how they work together or against each other.