Deco app on Bluestacks can't find deco during initial setup

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Deco app on Bluestacks can't find deco during initial setup

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Deco app on Bluestacks can't find deco during initial setup
Deco app on Bluestacks can't find deco during initial setup
2020-05-30 17:24:32 - last edited 2020-05-30 20:34:52
Model: Deco X60  
Hardware Version: V1
Firmware Version: presumably 1.0

I'm trying to do a setup of this newly-purchased Deco X60 system's main unit, running the Deco app on Bluestacks on a fully up-to-date Windows 10 PC. All goes well until the final step when it reports "we can't find Deco". I'm pretty sure that the Deco app wants to connect to the Deco unit with bluetooth. I've gone through all of TP-Link's recommended steps including turning the PC's Bluetooth off, rebooting, then turning it back on. The PC can see other Bluetooth devices all over the room, but still no connection to Deco. When I first started up the Deco app it asked to enable location and I did so; if I look at the location in the bluestacks settings it's accurate. I've tried the setup with two different units of the 3-pack, and get the same result with both. The PC's connected to the lan with hard-wired Ethernet, and the Deco unit is sitting within two feet of the PC.


A chat session with TP-Link gave me a tech support guy who doesn't seem to know anything about doing this with bluestacks, and I don't have an Android or IOS device (my phone's a Windows Phone; so shoot me :-)


[EDIT] I just closed another chat session with tech support, and this is what he told me:


Thank you for waiting. No one here in our support team has ever used the windows10 / bluestacks, sir
Deco app can only run on ios and adnroid. if you're having issue running the app on Windows 10 / BlueStacks that means its not compatible.


Any suggestions? I really want to get this thing running, but I'm out of ideas.






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