Tether: 8 icons for router vs. 22 icons for extenders
Hi all,
I have an Archer A7 router and three exenders (one RE300 and two RE220s).
Previously, the router and extenders offered 8 icons for clients. But after the recent firmware updates, the extenders now have 22 icons to choose from.
I updated the A7's firmware last night, hoping it would include the new icons -- but it does not. The router still has only the 8 basic icons available.
Most clients connect to the main router, which prevents me from using the new icons. Only if a device connects to an extender, am I able to assign the new icons.
But when a device with a new icon appears in the A7's client list, it displays the generic three-dot icon -- not the custom icon. (When the same device is in the 330 or 220's client list, it will have the correct icon.) This makes for an inconsistent and frustrating experience within the app.
I'm attaching an image to show the difference.
How do I get the full set of icons to be available in the A7?