Blocking Government Property Tax Website??
We have Fiber Optic provided by Century Link. Their router (C4000XG) kept dropping some home network connections. So, we purchased the Archer AX11000 which solved the dropping very effectively. Spent the major funds because I thought it might also improve speed... did not do that. (We 'only' get around 800 down & 430 up - with a max of 940 both directions...)
Anyway - been waiting to pay property taxes. And Washington State Okanogan County - had a link to pay, etc. that was always down. Never able to get to it. Finally called and was going to point out that it wasn't working - but found out it was totally working... So after I find out it was supposedly working - went to my phone...
My phone using regular network has no problem going to this specific tax page. If I tell my phone to use my streaming home network - it loses accesss to this specific webpage. If I plug the old C4000XG back into the nework; and my home computer into that - I can access the web page to pay my taxes. Go back to the AX11000 - and it won't access.
I have temporarily disabled all antivirus in the Archer router - did not help. I normally have the UPNP disabled (for security) - but enabling that also had no effect. I have no young kids; and we have no website blacklisted. That field is empty. I haven't found a way to whitelist a website - since you have to enter a MAC address - which of course I don't have for someone else's computer system...
I've paid my property taxes (via phone) - so this is now very much a curiosity question. I just have to remember that cannot be accessed via my home computer unless I change out the Router... I have access to the main Okanogan webpages - just not the one where you can input your parcel, etc. and see how to pay... But what if I run into another website that it won't allow me to enter? It doesn't give any warning - it just sits there trying to connect - and eventually states it "timed out". So you tend to believe it is a website problem - and NOT your router not letting you access a perfectly good website!
Where is "Trend Micro's" database located?? I went to their website - found it confusing. And probably/possibly the Archer AX11000 downloaded a database or has one IN it - which is constantly updated?? I mean - I have no idea right now - what I could change settings wise in the Router - to allow it to let me see a perfectly ok website...
Finally, most of the changes made above - were done One Section at a time - but I did not reboot the Router. Because everytime you reboot - OR even just unplug the WAN connection; and than reconnect - you get a new ISP address assigned - which screws up some camera settings, and other stuff on my network.
My phone is an older Samsung Android. My home computer is a home built older Windows 10; with an ASUS Z87 Deluxe/Quad motherboard... if people want to know what system we are using.
If you know what is going on here; and let me know - I would appreciate it. Thank you.