Mount USB drive from Linux
Here are the advanced settings:
- Use default account - (admin/password)
- Server Name: Music
- Network Neighborhood - smb://Music
- FTP -
- FTP via internet - Disabled
- Share All
- Enable Authentication
- ID 1
- Folder Name: sda1
- Folder Path: G:
- Volume Name: ESD-USB
How do I mount the USB hdd from Linux? I can access it as an FTP server, but not as a network drive. It works just fine from my Windows PC, I can just open Windows Explorer and navigate to \\Music\sda1. I can ping it just fine (IP address shows up as Using mount.cifs always throws an error, either "invalid parameter" or "No such file or directory". This thread had some ideas for other routers and it seems there's some sort of undocumented directory name that's needed.
The FTP command "ftp user=admin" works just fine.
Here are the mount commands I've tried to no avail (all using sudo):
- mount //Music /mnt/music
- mount //Music/sda1 /mnt/music
- mount //Music /mnt/music -o user=admin
- mount -t cifs //Music /mnt/music
- mount //Music/g /mnt/music
- mount //Music_a1 /mnt/music
- mount -t nfs //Music /mnt/music -o gid=500,uid=1000
- mount // /mnt/music
- mount // /mnt/music
And pretty much every possible combination of those commands, like 'mount // /mnt/music -o user=admin'
Any help would be appreciated.