Connecting Travel Router to Xfinity Hotspot (xfinitywifi)
I have followed the instructions in the Setup Video carefully. I show that the hotspot is 'connected' but it does not prompt me for my Xfinity credentials. In that 'xfinitywifi' is 5G and an 'open' access hotspot, the expectation is that it will cause a LOGIN page to be loaded on my Windows 10 HP laptop. However, that does not occur.
I can login from my laptop to the xfintywifi hotspot and that works fine. But when I log into the WR902AC 5G and try to connect to xfintywifi, the travel router shows 'connected' to the 5G but I get no access to the WAN.
I am running Surfshark VPN software on my laptop and have tried with it both enabled and disabled. What am I missing?