Unable to access local network machine shared folders
I have Synology and Qnap machines in my house and it used to work fine.
Both machine has shared folders and didn't have any issue accessing them. Let's say the Synology machine is named as synology and Qnap machine named as qnap.
For example, from Windows, just type "\\synology\SharedFolderName" or "\\qnap\\SharedFolder" were easy to ask these folders.
1. With my new X55, first I connected my windows machine using wireless. I didn't have any issue accessing 'qnap', but I wasn't able to access the 'synology'.
For synology, wireless was able to me type the IP4 addess, for example, ''\\\SharedFolderName".
I wired connection to the Windows, now it gave me access as before using 'synology' and 'qnap'.
If I disconnect wired connection, with just wireless, it still won't let me access by Synology name like 'synology'.
2. I have Apple TV and it only uses wireless connection and it is kind of working, but I also have MRMC player which uses 'synology' and 'qnap' SMB connection before but with X55 it doesn't access these folders.
What or how to access these files with my wireless connection?