Archer AC5400X internet speed slow
I have had this router for about 1.5 years. It never really got the speeds I expected. I have 1GB Fiber server, both 1GB down and 1GB up. If I plug directly into the fiber, I get speeds of over 900 both down and up. If I test the speed from the router itself I get about 850 down and 600 up.. which is fine. Once I try it from any machine on the network, whether wired or wireless I am getting download speeds of 170 and upload speeds of 120.. it makes no sense at all. I am running the latest firmware. How can every one of my machines not get the same speed as the router or even close? I just ran same as it says it uses on the router.. it started out with dowload burst over over 420 and then by the end was at 170.. then it ran the upload.. burst to over 550 and by the end was at 120.. any ideas?
Yes, I have changed the settings in advanved QOS to both saying 950Mbps.. but did not make a difference..