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Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Re:Deco X55 and AT&T BGW320
@yves_b on laptop, wired download is 634, upload 625 (my fiber plan is 500 Mbps but I normally get higher than that). I previously had Deco M5's and would get 300-400 Mbps on WiFi.
Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Re:Deco X55 and AT&T BGW320
@yves_b Ookla Speedtest on laptop. Wired I get over 600 mbps, wireless less than 100
Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Deco X55 and AT&T BGW320
Need help. Just upgraded to a X55 Deco with an AT&T BGW320-505. setup went well but my download speeds are under 100 mbps. any specific setup help is appreciated.
Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Deco X55 with AT&T BG320-505
Need help. Just upgraded from Deco M5 to an X55 with AT&T Fiber. All went well except my download speeds are under 100 Mbps and I have a 500 Mbps plan. Speed from AT&T to modem are 600+ but download...