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Forums/ Tapo Smart Lights
2024-11-12 19:56:34
Re:Customizing and Automating Your Tapo Light Strips
@Mike-C, I don't have any news to really provide on the topic, however I can say that there are improvements to the lighting systems under development. I am not sure what the updates entail, but I...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
2024-11-08 16:05:13
Why Should I Use a Static IP for My Tapo Camera?
Through a recent update to many Tapo cameras, it is now possible to assign a Static IP Adress for your camera, ensuring reliable and uninterrupted use of your cameras across your entire network....
Forums/ Tapo Smart Sensors
2024-11-06 17:06:08
Re:New Release: S200D Smart Remote Dimmer Switch
@Jets, This type of control would be dependent on what smart actions are available for your dimmer. If your dimmer offers a Brightness Down or Brightness Up Smart Action, you can configure each turn...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
2024-11-06 17:01:54
Re:Tapo Doorbell Overview – D130, D210, D230S1, D225, TD25
@pf3net, The feature to bring your non-subg camera footage to your hub is slowly being added to cameras, however it is limited to the C425 while it is being developed. For our doorbells, you would...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2024-11-06 16:39:00
Re:Archer BE3600: Dual-Band Wi-Fi 7 Router
Hey @jroth, You will need to provide a bit more information about what your network looks like, such as what device you have from your ISP, what speed you expect from your ISP, and how you have the...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
2024-11-06 16:34:42
Re:ONVIF support for wire-free cameras (C400/C420)
@J_Walker, I do not believe so. As far as I understand, the hub only acts as a proxy for the cameras' storage, meaning the hub will not be able to enable features the camera does not support. I also...