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Forums/ Deco
2023-05-13 22:48:17
Re:Deco AXE5300/EX5300 will not connect smart devices; keeps dropping WiFi from iPhones/smart TVs
@AvacadoBob I ultimately discovered it was a security issue. Many smart home devices only play nice with WPA2 security. Any other setting results in erratic behavior. My system has been stable since...
Forums/ Deco
2022-11-29 15:54:18
Re:Deco AXE5300/EX5300 will not connect smart devices; keeps dropping WiFi from iPhones/smart TVs
@War_Eagle_RT This is too late to help you but maybe it will help others. Some devices do not play well with 160mhz band width. Set the 2.4/5ghz bands to use 80mhz bandwidth. It helped me, my Alexa...