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Forums/ Deco
2023-01-18 13:40:08
Re:XE75 Pro - Cannot Set QoS Total Bandwidth Above 1000Mbs
@paul1454 Have you run a Speedtest from two wired computers at the same time and added up the total?
Forums/ Deco
2023-01-17 22:14:02
Re:Deco X20 Ethernet Backhaul Never automatically moves from wireless to wired ethernet
@Riley_S The issue appears to be related to the need to configure a VLAN on the WAN port with my ISP. When I add another router/switch inline to handle the VLAN toward the modem the ethernet backhaul...
Forums/ Deco
2023-01-17 01:03:02
Re:Deco X20 Ethernet Backhaul Never automatically moves from wireless to wired ethernet
@Riley_S Thank you for the reply. 1. I have swapped ethernet ports on the satellite and main deco with no improvement 2. I swapped the satellite unit to main (with unit open in the app, selected...
Forums/ Deco
2023-01-16 20:28:33
Re:Deco X20 Ethernet Backhaul Never automatically moves from wireless to wired ethernet
@Riley_S - 1. I have rebooted the deco units with no improvement. 2. I have moved the deco satellite closer to the main unit for one hour, rebooted both, and used a known good cat5e from main to...
Forums/ Deco
2023-01-16 17:18:08
Deco X20 Ethernet Backhaul Never automatically moves from wireless to wired ethernet
I recently purchased a set of three Deco X20 devices. The main feature that drove my purchase is Ethernet Backhaul from the main to satellite. This capability does not work. I have my modem wired to...