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Forums/ Deco
2023-11-10 23:21:47
Re:Guest device does not appear in isolation list
@David-TP Thanks for the welcome! Yes, it works to MANUALLY add a devce that is already on the Main, Guest, or IOT network to the Isolation list. What I haven't seen happed, is a Guest device...
Forums/ Deco
2023-11-10 14:46:11
Re:Guest device does not appear in isolation list
@David-TP Thank you David. I'm wondering about "guest" devices. The documentation suggests they will be automatically added to the isolation list by the software, that is, without an administrator...
Forums/ Deco
2023-11-09 14:40:44
Guest device does not appear in isolation list
Deco documentation states, "By default, the Guest network for Deco Networks will automatically isolate the devices from the main network." I switched my iPhone to the Guest network, it appears in the...