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Forums/ Deco
2024-03-05 14:23:58
Re:Cannot configure 6ghz band
@David-TP Version 3.7.11 released yesterday fixed the issue for me. I can now configure the 6 GHz network separately. Thanks!
Forums/ Deco
2024-03-05 14:22:13
Re:Cannot configure 6ghz band
@EyeSpy03 - It's the WiFi 7 standard that allows for simulatneous connection to all the frequencies (2.4G Hz, 5 GHz and 6 GHz). For non-wifi 7 devices it just means you can use any of the 3 available...
Forums/ Deco
2024-02-26 15:59:28
Re:Cannot configure 6ghz band
I enabled MLO which appears to do the same thing as enabling the 6GHz network? (I don't have any wifi 7 devices but do have 6E devices)
Forums/ Deco
2024-02-26 15:56:20
Re:Cannot configure 6ghz band
@David-TP Submitted, thanks!
Forums/ Deco
2024-02-23 18:15:19
Re:Cannot configure 6ghz band
@stimbuktu Same issue. Please advise when the updated app will be available? Just bought Deco BE33000.