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Forums/ Deco
2024-05-11 17:38:34
DECO X55 - Firmware 1.5.0 Build 20240311 Rel. 66190
I have two houses, each with a set of DECO X55 and two additional repeaters. One of the DECO units in one of the houses prompted me to update to firmware version 1.5.0, which I did. Since this...
Forums/ Deco
2024-05-11 16:49:53
Re:instability with Deco Firmware 1.4.1
@NuklearNik "I'm facing the same issue. I have two houses with DECO X55 in each. I updated one to Firmware 1.5.0 Build 20240311 Rel. 66190. After the update, the DECO can't find any connected...