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Forums/ Feature Request
2024-10-29 05:20:05
RE:FR: Adjust Deco transmit power
@HelpFixDecoApp Yes I understand that you don't work fot TP-Link. I was just giving a good reason why it should be included.
Forums/ Deco
2024-10-29 05:14:36
Wi-Fi Off Schedule in Eco Mode Should Include Days of the Week
I think including the days of the week Wi-Fi off schedule in eco mode is a great idea because a lot of peoples schedule is based on the week instead of just the day. TP-Link Archer has that option so...
Forums/ Feature Request
2024-10-29 04:50:16
Adding All the Controls From Deco App to Deco Web Interface
I think adding all the controls from Deco app to web interface just like on the TP-Link Archer series would be very useful. It would help a lot of people who don't have smartphones, people in IT who...
Forums/ Feature Request
2024-10-29 04:38:09
RE:FR: Adjust Deco transmit power
Transmit power is very important when being in a crowed RF space.
Forums/ Feature Request
2024-10-29 04:37:12
RE:Deco Configuration Backup
Having network settings backup is a must have in IT.