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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
Re:Feature Removal Request: remove routine connectivity check of domain lookups to 3rd party companies
I only mention the recent events as one reason. Aside from that, it serves no purpose as I have other more elaborate network equipment that does need 'connectivity checks' to operate in the same...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
Re:Feature Removal Request: remove routine connectivity check of domain lookups to 3rd party companies
@Richardj186 Can the feature be removed and the product still function?
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
Re:Feature Removal Request: remove routine connectivity check of domain lookups to 3rd party companies
Does the product need to do connectivity requests to ebay, netflix, reddit, etcetera every 15 minutes? What purpose does that serve exactly?
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
a week ago
Feature Removal Request: remove routine connectivity check of domain lookups to 3rd party companies
In light of current US investigations into TP-Link for facilitating Distributed Denial of Service attacks from business and consumer networking products, I request removal of the code in TP-Link...