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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2021-01-11 22:58:16
Re:AX50 (EU) reverting to channel 36
@dudload What is the firmware version and build you are currently running? Also, how often do you see the issue happening from when you set it to a specific channel then it reverting to 36?
Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
2021-01-11 22:49:46
Re:HS105 kit plugs spontaneously turn off/on simultaneaously.
@A2Joe Create a guest network, and only put that plug on it. For the guest network try changing the wireless security be it WPA or WPA2, any option you have to see if it becomes stable rather then...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2021-01-11 22:43:38
Re:TP-Link Archer A6 WiFi 2.4GHz Band Issues.
@Woody There are recommendations from Apple here regarding connection of wireless devices:
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2021-01-11 19:27:15
Re:OneMesh support for Archer AX50?
@starbelly Nothing yet other than that it is still in the works.
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2021-01-11 19:21:25
Re:Kasa switch control for multiple homes.
@DaveHaynie A response I can think of would be to create groups? However, I don't think that is fully what you described. I'll forward that as a feature request for consideration.
Forums/ Kasa Cameras
2021-01-11 19:11:08
Re:KC200 - Kasa Smart App Viewing Cameras Ful Screen
@Scotty123 Correct, so before the image was being slightly stretched to fit the entire screen which doesn't do that now. I will forward feedback regarding this update. We do not have an official .apk...