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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
6 часов назад
Re:Archer AX55 Pro - Consistent Router Malfunction Every Day at Same Time
@Critian Thank you very much for providing detailed information about the issue you're experiencing. Could you please let us know the current hardware version and firmware version of your AX55? If...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
11 часов назад
Re:Archer AX55 Pro - Consistent Router Malfunction Every Day at Same Time
4178186 Critian wrote @JBingus i have the same problem for a few months now, but with an AX55. (not the pro) at same time as you aswell. the internet just dies for a few seconds every day, roughtly...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
Re:BE800 - Wifi issues on 2.4Ghz
@s80275 Thank you very much for all the details. Could you please try the suggestions provided by eousphoros and move those IoT devices to the IoT Network? Then, observe whether they connect to the...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
Re:Unstable MLO with Pixel 8 Pro and other wifi stability issues.
@stenerali Thank you very much for your detailed explanation. I appreciate it. I have escalated your case to our support engineers again and asked them to follow up. Please keep an eye on case ID...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
Re:Unstable MLO with Pixel 8 Pro and other wifi stability issues.
@stenerali I noticed that you previously submitted a ticket and discussed this issue with our support engineers, but the case was closed after you mentioned returning the BE11000 Pro and purchasing...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
Re:Unstable MLO with Pixel 8 Pro and other wifi stability issues.
@stenerali Thank you very much for the detailed information. We appreciate it. I would like to gather more details about the issue to understand it better: 1. Which devices are reporting no internet...