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Forums/ Deco
2019-09-23 14:42:19
Re:Deco M9 Plus slow speeds with strong internet connection
The speedtest has no influence on the up and download if QoS is not enabled, at least that is what I observe, and that makes sense I think. Still getting 30mbit/s on my iPhone, 250-300mbit/s on my...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2019-09-18 17:06:09
Re:Add wifi signal off schedule to new firmware update
Same request made for the Deco M9 some time back. Same response. We probably have to face it: TP-link will hardly ever implement requested features.
Forums/ Deco
2019-09-18 15:12:09
Re:Deco M9 Plus slow speeds with strong internet connection
I am seeing same as you see. Speed test in Deco app and speed test with iperf on a wired computer says 700-900mbit/s here, however my iPhone 7 is getting 30 (consistenly, almost like it's capped) on...