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Forums/ Range Extenders
2019-10-04 22:23:59
Re:Do I need to upgrade firmware or purchase newer range extender?
@Tony I guess I will go with the old adage that "the worst enemy of good is perfection". Thanks again so very much for the advice...I did not think it worth spending several hundred dollars on a mesh...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2019-10-03 17:15:11
Re:Do I need to upgrade firmware or purchase newer range extender?
@Tony Thanks again for your answer, very helpful. One final question, if I may ask... I have done much further research, and now understand that although the 5GHz band might provide faster speed, the...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2019-10-01 21:53:20
Re:Do I need to upgrade firmware or purchase newer range extender?
@Tony Thanks so much for the response! I am not ignorant nor am I am expert on WiFi...but if I understand how this works, I might get better speed if I use an extender which relays the 5 GHz signal...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2019-09-28 21:12:50
Do I need to upgrade firmware or purchase newer range extender?
I have been happily using this extender with a Linksys E2500 for seven years, but since my ISP now allows download speeds of 200 mbps, I have switched to a Linksys AC1750 router. With the extender, I...