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Forums/ Range Extenders
By Jeffrey22 2021-05-28 22:44:20

Two AC750s splitting cameras

Using two AC750S. All the cameras want to use the first range extender that was setup. Not good because some are locking in on a poor signal. A second extender was set up to provide better signal. How
Forums/ Range Extenders
By Jeffrey22 2021-05-28 22:12:37

Two AC750s

Have two AC 750s. One set and works fine. The second one, next to the router won't activate it's WiFi. All other LEDs are green, except the WiFi. The unit does see my phone. But I need it to see secur
Forums/ Range Extenders
By Jeffrey22 2021-03-02 22:19:51

Setup Directions Do Not Match Reality

Directions are not helpful. Launch tether app, takes me to phone settings for Siri. There is nothing to select in the app for setup.