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Forums/ Deco
By RomeoWoof 2023-11-25 13:55:55

Main unit loses connection (solid red) after a few hours working multiple times

I just picked up a set of 5300s. Setup went well and everything connected for a few hours. Main unit then went to red. I reset everything and worked for a few hours. Then happened again. ISP is Cox. I
Forums/ Deco
By DaOfficialRolex 2023-11-22 19:25:44

Deco XE5300 drops wired backhaul connection and disconnects from Internet

I bought my Deco from Costco about I would say 4 to 5 weeks ago. I have been having this issue consistently since I set it up. I originally was running the previous 1.2.1 firmware on the Decos but upg