
Please add the ability to change email address on the Kasa account


Please add the ability to change email address on the Kasa account

15 Reply
RE:Please add the ability to change email address on the Kasa account
2024-07-29 03:14:29
The email address our Kasa Smart devices are connected to no longer exists. Sure wish we could change it.
RE:Please add the ability to change email address on the Kasa account
2024-08-03 20:40:14
What kind morons not allow you to change your password ???? Freaking ridiculous!!!!!!
RE:Please add the ability to change email address on the Kasa account
2024-08-08 04:29:25
This feature is a must!
Systems Support Technician: We do PRECISION Guess Work based on unreliable data provided by those of Questionable Knowledge
Re:Please add the ability to change email address on the Kasa account
2024-10-30 18:51:29

  When I started grad school at the University of Minnesota in 1995, I was assigned an email address and was assured it would be valid for life, as an alumna. For almost 30 years, this email has been utilized for almost all of my online accounts.


Earlier this year, the University of Minnesota informed all alumni, retired faculty, etc., that as of December 2024, our email addresses would be terminated with no forwarding service.


You can imagine the Augean Stables scenario of either deleting or otherwise transferring my online accounts to another email address.


Googling I found that it is impossible to reconfigure my logon to another email account. I need to somehow disable all of my Kasa/Tp-link devices and create a new account.


With more colleges and universities discontinuing email accounts, initially guaranteed for lifetime use, others have been in my situation. My son had only 30 days; I had several months but had emergency brain surgery and rehab get in the way. 


I don't know where to start. Perhaps there should be a FAQ with instructions (detailed, please) about how to do this easily and without complications. BTW, I am 77 yrs old with poor eyesight, so I need it KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) instructions.

RE:Please add the ability to <span class='search-highlight'>change</span> <span class='search-highlight'>email</span> address on the <span class='search-highlight'>Kasa</span> account
2025-01-11 15:10:44
This should be a standard feature by now.