C125 advertised as 15/20/25/30 fps but can ONLY do 15FPS - FALSE ADVERTISING

C125 advertised as 15/20/25/30 fps but can ONLY do 15FPS - FALSE ADVERTISING

C125 advertised as 15/20/25/30 fps but can ONLY do 15FPS - FALSE ADVERTISING
C125 advertised as 15/20/25/30 fps but can ONLY do 15FPS - FALSE ADVERTISING
2024-05-24 14:37:52
Model: Tapo C125  
Hardware Version: V1
Firmware Version: 1.1.7

The specs on this camera states the framrate as follows:


Frame Rate 15/20/25/30 fps (Default 15fps)



However, changing the framerate in the app does absolutely nothing, this camera works only at 15FPS - why is there this false advertisement?


Under what specific conditions to this work on anything but 15FPS???


Please advise, TY



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