General Troubleshooting and Setup Tips for Matter Devices

Released On: 2023-03-30 00:11:48Last update time: 2023-03-31 00:05:40

With the release of the matter protocol, we have seen a few users have difficulties either setting the device up for the first time or when connecting to a second controller. Our teams have done our best to keep track of the different solutions that users have provided across our communities.


If you continue to experience difficulties or have found another solution not listed here, feel free to add your solution in the comments below.


Please Note: The Bluetooth Signal of the Matter-certified device will automatically turn off after 15 minutes. To reenable the Bluetooth signal needed for matter provisioning, please either replug or reset the matter device.

Check Your Controller Compatibility:

Please Check the Compatibility of Your Matter Controller through the following article:

Community Article: Matter Controller Compatibility and Set Up


Recommended First Steps:

Check Your Phone Connection

Ensure that your phone is connected to a stable wireless network.

If possible, connect your phone to the network using a 2.4 Ghz network rather than a 5 GHz connection.

Ensure that the Bluetooth Feature of your phone is enabled

Reset Your Matter Device

The Bluetooth Signal of the Matter-certified device will automatically turn off after 15 minutes. To reenable the Bluetooth signal needed for matter provisioning, please either re-plug or reset the matter device.

Restart Your Matter Controller

Manually Enter the Pairing Code from the Label

Enter the Matter Pairing Code, found below the Matter QR Code, when prompted rather than scanning the QR code. This ensures that there is no error in translation from picture to text.

Update the Device’s Firmware Through the Tapo App

Add the matter-compatible device to the Tapo App and update the device’s firmware if available. Then retry the matter provisioning process.

Enable IPv6 Addressing on Your Network

The Matter Protocol uses IPv6 Addressing to communicate with devices across your network.

Enable IPv6 on your Home Network

Ensure that your Matter Devices are on the same LAN/VLAN as your Matter Controller – This means that your devices should not be isolated using an IoT or Guest Network

Disable AP Isolation if Enabled on Your Network

Clear the Cache or Reinstall the Application for Your Matter Controller


Tips for Connecting to a Second Controller

FAQ: How to Add Your Matter-Certified Device to Multiple Controllers

Note: The Onboard Bluetooth Connection is only available while pairing the device to the first matter controller. Secondary Controllers will be paired over the existing Wi-Fi connection.

  1. Do Not Create Pairing Codes for Multiple Ecosystems in a Row:
    1. After creating a pairing code, all subsequent pairing codes will be invalid until the first pairing code is either used or expires.
  2. Complete the setup on the second controller before the pairing code expires:
    1. Alexa’s Pairing Codes will Expire After 15 Minutes;
    2. Apple Home's Pairing Code will Expire after 5 Minutes;
    3. Google Home’s Pairing Code will Expire After 3 Minutes.
  3. Alexa and Apple Home Only Offer Numeric Pairing Codes; Google Home offers Both QR and Numeric Codes
  4. If a Pairing Code Cannot be Created or the Device Does Not Appear, Please Reboot the Device

If you are planning to use multiple platforms, it is recommended to follow this order for the most straightforward experience:

Alexa > Google Home > SmartThings > Apple Home > Tapo/Kasa


Avoid Closing the Pairing-Code Generation Page During the Multi Admin Setup, otherwise, your device may exit the setup mode. If possible, use another device to enter the pairing code from the app.

Be Aware that each platform will use one, sometimes two, of the total number of fabrics available to the device. Your Connection to Tapo or Kasa will also use one fabric.


Platform-Specific Tips:

FAQ: Matter Setup Guides for Alexa, Google and Apple


Use the Alexa App to Configure the Matter Connection First, as the Alexa App has not yet added the ability to set up another matter device with a pairing code.



If you are having difficulty configuring the Matter Connection through the Google Home App, depending on your phone’s manufacturer, you may be offered to configure the device and add the device to the google home app later.

Delete and reinstall the Google Home App from your phone. It is possible that the matter package was not properly installed via an App update. A few users have reported that reinstalling the Google Home App will allow them to set up a matter-compatible device from the Google Home App.




Connecting a Device to your Apple Home may use two of the available matter fabrics because of Apple's Implementation of the protocol.

If you have multiple controllers connected to your network (ie. Apple TV, and HomePod), please disconnect the potential controllers you are not planning to use.


Related Articles:

General Questions About Matter

FAQ: Matter Setup Guides for Alexa, Google and Apple

FAQ: How to Add Your Matter-Certified Device to Multiple Controllers

Community Article: Matter Controller Compatibility and Set Up
