3 way switch
Trying to install. I have one white, one black, one green, and one red at each existing switch. I have one smart switch onstall. It o lay turns the light one then off right away. The second switch only gets a blinking orange light.
Trying to install. I have one white, one black, one green, and one red at each existing switch. I have one smart switch onstall. It o lay turns the light one then off right away. The second switch only gets a blinking orange light.
Try this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENQGH-uYk34 and let us know if it helps at all. Also keep that wire colors are not standarize. Usually White-neutral Green-ground. Traveler and live wires have been known to be red or black, so you could have the wiring criss crossed. If you are unsure we do recomend hiring an electricain to avoid and damage to your home or the product.
best regards
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