TP-Link Kasa camera needs to change the "continue watching" feature
After purchasing 3 of these cameras and using them for the past 6 months, I have to say I'm really disappointed in these products. For a very short time they were perfect in monitoring my home and child's safety 24/7 with no interruptions. Now I constantly have a pop up asking "Continue watching?" every 10 minutes and the camera feed freezes all the time. I'm not relying on these as a baby sitter or nanny cam, but I did use them for a surveillance system of our home and children whenever I need to step away to clean, use the restroom or even something as simple as checking something on my computer. It is also nice to have a reliable app and camera to check in when we are away from home. I hope the developers see this and really hear this request from many users.
For those who are in need of a reliable baby monitor that works on Wi-Fi, I highly recommend the VTech - Baby Monitoring System. It has a camera with a video monitor and is the best investment we have ever made after purchasing many, many baby monitors that have an awful range. We got ours at Best Buy and it has been invaluable since I need something to hear our kids at night when I'm sleeping, we sleep better knowing that we can have a reliable monitor with having a 3 year old who has a compromised immune system. This is something I currently cannot rely on the Kasa Spot Pan and Tilt camera.