PC-based video view/edit for Kasa cameras

PC-based video view/edit for Kasa cameras

PC-based video view/edit for Kasa cameras
PC-based video view/edit for Kasa cameras
2024-04-09 15:29:30

I got your camera because I have a sleep disorder and am trying to capture video of the sleep events for my doctor.   I need the ability to view the video stream, fast-forward or rewind the stream (while seeing the stream), and capture clips of arbitrary length - on a Windows PC, not a tiny cell phone screen. (I also have a neurological condition that makes using a cell phone very difficult - using a PC keyboard is far easier.)


I've heard your "we designed this for the cloud" response to this kind of question.  That's not an acceptable excuse.  My PC is just as much an edge device as my phone, and just as valid a client.  If a phone can communicate with the camera and/or a server somewhere to pull the stream off the camera's SD card, my PC certainly has the connectivity and capacity to serve the same function.  If your development team lacks the skills/experience to make a usable app for Windows, you need to expand your team and/or switch your development toolchain to one that makes cross-platform development for *all* major platforms simple (Embarcadero RAD Studio, etc.)  Alternately, publish the API and let the community build it for you.  Either way, the world is not just Android and Apple - there's just no excuse for not having a PC-based version of your interface.  You are effectively discriminating against customers with certain disabilities.

